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Twisty Twirly Energy Medicine

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Sacred Circles

Shamanic Drumming Circles

Monthly drum circle to coincide with the Equinoxes or Solstices to honour the wheel of the year.

Held at Grain Coast Crafty Alpaca Farm.

Joyful prayful singing and drumming to honour all our relations and the bounty of Mother Earth in all her seasonal outfits.
A session will always include honouring of the Grandmothers of the Directions, prayers of love where it's needed most, and a journey.







A Gathering of Women

Our Invitation to you

This is a calling out for the Women, the Mothers, the Grandmothers, the Daughters, the Sisters and the Aunties to come together. The time has come for us to take a stand and sit in sacred space; to remember; to co-create a nurturing community; to be real and authentic. To tell our stories, hear our hearts songs and sing of our connections to each other, our Mothers and Grandmothers, our Earth, our Ancestors. To rejoice in who we are and what we are here to do; to give voice to the dreams we hold dear and nurture; to allow this sacred space to grow to hold our daughters and their dreams as precious seeds.





Sacred Singing Circles

Will now be a part of Nada Yoga - The Yoga of Sound 

Sacred songs in a singing circle open to everyone. Peter and I have been singing and playing guitar and ukulele together for about 2 years and we play all sorts of beautiful uplifting songs from all around the world, including but not limited to Sanskrit mantras, Spanish songs of the Shamans, some of my drumming songs in fact anything that is beautiful, sacred and joyful.

We are not professional  and we can't teach you how to sing or play an instrument but we can show you what we do and love doing by singing / playing with you as a group of people who love singing / playing songs of love for the Earth and each other.


Red Tent - La Reunion Roja

Humbled to hold sacred space for women in different ways, The Red Tent Circles. A safe gathering for women, held in Red Tent members houses, with the purpose to facilitate face to face gatherings allowing us to communally share and support each other during tough and joyous times which we have all experienced in our daily lives.

La Reunión Roja gatherings occur on a Friday generally every 6-ish weeks. Every third gathering we'll open our doors to younger teens and prepubescent girls from the age of roughly 9yrs and up.

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07713 979251



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Shamanic drum birthing, shamanic drum circle near me, women's circle, Hatha yoga for beginners Rochester, cat sitter near me

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