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Twisty Twirly Energy Medicine

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My Journey

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Laura Hayward 

I'm Laura and I'm a yoga teacher, trained by the British Wheel of Yoga and I have been teaching yoga in Medway for 12 years. I was taught by several lovely teachers, the first at Maidstone adult education centre with a lovely lady Christine Knight. My deepest gratitude to Cathy-Mae Karelse with whom I took many courses and completed my teacher training in 2012.


I started teaching at The Sanctuary Of Healing in Chatham, then at the Nucleus Arts Centre in Chatham and several other halls and venues until finding a base for all kinds of spiritual events for a couple of years at Fort Luton in Chatham, which was an ancient burial mound. Since the dramas of 2019/20 I have finally found a couple of lovely places to teach from that feel like home, at Anahata Yoga Studio in Rochester and Grain Coast Crafty Alpaca Farm on the Isle of Grain.


I have also taken the teacher training with Nirplipta Tuli co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network, to teach Yoga Nidra accredited by the Independent Yoga Network in 2019 and I incorporate this into all the yoga classes I teach. I am also hugely inspired by Nirliptas' wife Uma Dinsmore Tuli who is the author of Yoni Shakti among others.


I am a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher of 12 years with reputable lineage through Diana Joy Lewins and have also been taught the Eastern technique by Robert Jefford. I am also a Master/Teacher of Kundalini Reiki with Val Clarke and a Master/Teacher of Karuna-Ki Reiki, via Udemy.


I have been trained by Corinthians as a Spiritual Healer and most recently I have been learning Light Language through an online course by Nicola Russell.


I have a thirst for knowledge from ancient cultures around the world especially drumming, singing, chanting and shamanic practices and this is reflected in the meditations and the drum baths that are sometimes part of the Yoga Nidra experience. I hold regular joyful shamanic drum circles with beautiful songs honouring the Earth, the elements, the seasons, ourselves and all life on Earth. I also hold space for Women to celebrate and honour their Life Spiral and other rituals and hold sacred ceremony for births, blessingways, marriages and deaths.


My lockdown hobby (obsession) was learning to play the ukulele and singing. What has sprung from this is I co-host a regular weekly Sacred Singing Circle with my lovely friend Peter, where we play and sing all sorts of beautiful songs from around the world, including Sanskrit mantras, songs in Lakota and from South America, in fact anything that is beautiful, sacred and joyful.


My once a month treats are Ecstatic dance with the wonder Farah Miri and I have loved being a part of a womens circle Sacred Sisterhood held by the glorious Naomi Raven.


In the past I have also loved lots of other forms of dancing - Chakra dancing, 5 rhythms and tap dancing from a young age, I especially loved the time I spent learning Shakti Dance - the Yoga of Dance. It derives from Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan and it was created by Sara Avtar, another lifelong dancer and Kundalini yoga teacher.


I was blessed to have a wonderful father who was a skilled and gifted medium and healer, we learnt together at The Sanctuary of Healing the Corinthian way of spiritual healing. He has since passed and has become a huge source of strength and wisdom from the ancestral realm.


I met a very wonderful couple, now my wonderful friends, Claudia Ma Amisha, a shamanic practitioner from the Sun Bear Tribe, and Dusty Miller who is a heriditary English shaman of Elfin lineage with direct connection to the Dryads of the Trees.


I made my first drum with Claudia in 2017 and have been in love with it ever since, making my drum one of my most revered companions. Since then I have sat in lots of drum circles including with Johnathan Weekes of Heron Drums for a couple of years and most recently with Les and Jackie Fuller of the Crow Tribe from whom I have learnt so very much.


I have also sat in sacred circle with the wonderful ladies in Wales Rachel Crow and Eartha Love (Mending the Soul of the Village - Voices of the Elders) whose depth of knowledge of the Rites of Passage and Womanhood is an experiential wisdom to behold inspiring my lovely friend Emma and I  to bring what we could to our community in Kent when we offered A Gathering of Women in 2018.


This brought about a movement towards more heartfelt ceremony and I have since held space for Sacred Birthing, Menarche, Handfasting, Blessingways and Dearly Departing.


Last year 2022 I began to work as a cat-sitter working around my hectic life as a home educator to my two gorgeous girls. It has been such a joy to visit purry lovelies every day and get paid for it! I always have time for animals and I live with a fair menagerie of much loved friends, companions and teachers.  My cat Bob 20 years ago, first taught me how to meditate.


All the learning I have undertaken has been my personal journey of healing from trauma and addiction with a side of neuro-divergence and all that goes with it. Turns out I'm not crazy I'm just me and I've learnt a lot of amazing stuff that has helped me be the best me I can be, up to this point anyway, and I would love to share with you whatever I can for your healing.

Aho, Namaste, Gasho, Thank-You x





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